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#Designerlife newsletter. Help us decide on Cover shot and Model!
March 07, 2017
Ciao xoxo

TOP SECRET: Help us pick out the cover shot for a fashion magazine cover launch!

If you saw last newsletters preview of the last couture photo shoot top secret preview, we need your help to decide on the cover image for the first publication to print! WE narrowed down the shot to two!

These images must be kept confidential and are only put out in this exclusive #designerlife newsletter because we value your thoughts! Sharing these cover images is explicitly prohibited, as these are copyrighted proofs.
Click here to cast your vote, at the top of the page in facebook comments!



This year we want to support 25 more moms in Latin America and Sponsor over 350 local artists in our Wearables Revolution!

Ciao Couture Fashion Insider xoxo, Read more about this specific charitable campaign and get involved by helping us make a difference! Don't be the only one out your social or professional peer group that didn't pay it forward by making a great tax-deductible charitable donation this quarter that they can be proud of!

Post on social media with the following hashtags for special recognition on the haute couture site and social media platforms! Make or share a post on the campaign using hashtags: #supportmomsandartists #wearablesrevolution #fashionwithheart

Take a minute and Read more and get involved in making a difference today!

We are soooo excited to share with you! Pay it Forward and Pass on this newsletter to others in the Fashion Empowerment Lifestyle!

With Warmest Wishes,

Yours in Empowerment and Personal Style,

J-na and Cal Garcia

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